Keeping Vitality With Age
When treating the body right, age becomes just a number.

years and shows no sign of slowing down! Hear her in her own words.
Ms Oikawa Shisuka:
I feel I have a mission to do – to let everyone know that Aloe Vera gives me the vitality.
Q: You were born in 1910 in a turbulent time, and encountered many hardships. How did you manage it?
Ms Oikawa:
My persistence and fearless mindset helps.
Q: How did you get connected to Forever Living?
Ms Oikawa:
In 1996 when I was 86 years old, my daughter Kiyono Utamaro told me that taking balanced food promotes good health, and that people who drink Aloe enjoy good health. At that time, I was suffering from knee pain that made walking difficult.It was a result of carrying many things, including 30 kg cases of wine between the store and cellar daily. I was managing a food outlet at that age.
Q: How did Forever Living products benefit you?
Ms Oikawa:
Drinking Aloe Vera as part of my diet keeps me healthy. Besides being a little hard of hearing, I do not suffer from any inconvenience at all. When I tell people I am 102, people get shocked with disbelief [laughter].
Q: What are the Forever Living products you use daily and what amounts do you use?
Ms Oikawa: Daily, I take Aloe Vera Gel 500 ml, 10 tablets of Forever Bee Pollen and 8 tablets of Bee Propolis (Propolis tablets are crushed and I would drink it with water, or added to soup). I apply Aloe Heat Lotion to my feet after performing farm work and tending to plants. Even if I forget my meals, I would not forget to take my supplements for a day.
Take Forever Living Products for a long healthy life.
According to this interview with Ms Oikawa Shisuka, she drinks about 15 bottle of Aloe Vera Gel, takes 3 bottles of Forever Bee Pollen and 4 bottles of Forever Bee Propolis on a monthly basis. The result we see is that she doesn’t look like she’s anywhere near 100 years and most importantly feels vital!
Would you live to be 100 years old? If you do, what would you look and feel like? Forever’s natural products have proven to be unique and of exceptional quality. They promote lasting health and wellness. You don't need to wait to turn 100 to feel the difference. With these natural products, we all can live to and enjoy ourselves now and in the old age. All we need do is make conscious and consistent effort to take extra care of our health and it would not fail us as we age.
Big thanks to the original interviewer! Spreading the word of health and longevity.
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