
Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to Make A Weight Loss Water

How to Make A Weight Loss Water

Importance of Water When Dieting and Losing Weight

Water is a big part of staying healthy and losing weight. Consider that water makes up 60 percent of an adult’s body weight. When a body is not fully hydrated, you can be losing water weight. The number on the scale can fluctuate and stress you instead. This can be demotivating.

Why Do I Snack?

Water also keeps your body energized. It is essential in the metabolic functions of the body. Without water nutrients are not delivered to the cells. Your body becomes lethargic. And what do you do when your energy is low? Reach for more food and usually not the healthy kind.

Are You Really Hungry?

Drinking water gives you energy and helps you feel full. The urge you have when you want to eat can often be relieved with water. Reason is your body might be full but not fully hydrated.  

Many people know of these factors and as a result know that they should drink water. But how can you make water more powerful and aid you in losing weight? Adding a key ingredient can be your answer.

Weight Loss Water | Key Ingredient

Aloe Vera is a highly revered plant. The gel of which is used topically and internally. Aloe Vera is more than 90% is made up of water. But it also packed with over 200 nutritional compounds (including vitamin B-12). A big part of Aloe Vera is it's rich content of amino acids. Amino acids aid in proper digestion and aid in burning calories. Aloe Vera Gel naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system, creating a greater feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to rise, and helping to maintain a healthy body weight. Aloe Vera Gel is a must for any diet/nutrition program. 

Aloe Vera Gel helps: 
  • Support metabolism 
  • Suppress appetite 
  • Reduce fat storage 
  • Increase & balance energy levels
  • Balance blood sugar (which is very important in losing weight) 
  • Deliver over 200 healthy nutrients (so you can be on lower calories diet but get nutrients still)

How To Make Weight Loss Water

Try out Forever Aloe Bits N' Peaches by adding a shot glass of it to your water bottle. You Get the power of Aloe Vera gel, the benefits of water, and the DELICIOUS & refreshing taste just like pure peach juice! 

Get your 100% stabilized raw Aloe Vera Drink from Forever. Tested in independent study Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel is essentially identically to a mature freshly cut leaf. Full potency kept fresh with natural antioxidants.

Forever Aloe Bits N' Peaches
Product # 077
Price per bottle $18.00 - 33.8 fl oz.
Lasts 2+ weeks and is less than a cup of coffee!

Aloe Weight Loss Program - Others have lost up to 20lbs.
Body Toning Solution - Reduce cellulite for less than $7/treatment.

Forever Living Products are not available in stores and can be ordered directly from manufacturer through independent distributor. 
USA orders arrive in 3 business days.

Follow the link bellow to order & browse products:  
Click to Shop in USA

Questions? For more information: 
Contact Viktoria  1(732) 331-8862

weight loss, aloe vera

Image courtesy of

Body Toning Solution

Body Toning Solution 

How To Get a Toned Body?

It's time to show the skin again. How do you get it looking it's best? Do you want a  more toned body? Reduced cellulite or no cellulite!? Do you want to slim down? For most ladies, the answer is going to be YES!!! 

Here is your best solution. Results can be seen after the first use! 

Aloe Body Toning Kit 

Acts to agitate the fat cells. Agitation is used in expensive machine treatments tones and tighten the body like Electro-Lypolysis. The Aloe Toning Kit creates the same results by generating heat with 
herbs and then driving it through all the layers of the skin with 100% stabilized Aloe Vera gel. 

Science Behind Cellulite

Agitating the fat cells releases the toxins that contribute to creation of cellulite. It also promotes inch loss! Results are shown after the first  treatment with the Aloe Toning Kit. Skin looks tighter and softer. The body looks toned. Reduction in size can be noticeably measured.

Spa Treatment At Home

It is important to repeat the treatment up to 10 times to stabilize the results.  It is a safe, effective and surgery free body contouring treatment. A treatment with a machine that creates similar results 
costs $200 per treatment. With the Aloe Toning Kit each session is less than $7. Even financially it's a no brainier, $70 for 10 sessions or $2,000.

At-Home Body Wrap

Indulge yourself with an at-home body wrap designed to help trim, tone and tighten, minimizing the appearance of cellulite. European herbal complexes and natural warming agents are your “secret weapons” in the war against the unsightly appearance of cellulite.

We take pride in this excellent collection, so treat your body to what it deserves, and look your very best with Forever’s Aloe Body Toning Kit. Tighten your body, firm your skin, lose inches with these simple steps. 

The Aloe Body Toning Kit includes: 

 Aloe Body Toner
                      Aloe Body Conditioning Creme 
Aloe Bath Gelée
           Loofah and plastic wrap

Product # 055
Price per Kit  $70.00
Less than $7/per wrap gets you healthy and more toned

Forever Living Products are not available in stores and can be ordered directly from manufacturer through independent distributor. USA orders arrive in 3 business days.

Follow the link bellow to order & browse products:  
Click to Shop in USA

Questions? For more information: 
Contact Viktoria  1(732) 331-8862